2022-23 Schedule

2022-23 Schedule

August 31: CHSO Parent Booster Meeting, 7 p.m., CHSO Room

September 24: Senior Regional Orchestra String Auditions, CHS MLK PAC(optional)

Nov. 12-13: Senior Regional Orchestra Event (select, location TBA)

Dec. 6: CHSO Winter Concert, 7 p.m., MLK PAC (CO and SE)

Dec. 13: Rotary Club Performance, 7 p.m., Omni Hotel (SE only)

Jan. 30: CHS Symphony/Choir Concert Rehearsal, 4 pm MLK PAC

Feb. 1: CHS Symphony/Choir Concert and Fine Arts Celebration, 7 pm MLK PAC

Feb. 25: All-Virginia Orchestra and Band Auditions, virtual (optional)

Mar. 11: District Orchestra Assessment, afternoon, Buford,

April 20-23: CHSO Spring Trip (destination TBA) optional CO and SE

April 27-29: All-Virginia Orchestra, Band, and Chorus (select)

May 16: CHSO Spring Concert, 7:30 pm, MLK PAC (CO and SE)

June 6: CHSO Senior Showcase, 7:00 pm, CHSO Room

June 8: CHS Graduation